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Date: May 30th, 2023

Location: BAT accelerator tower, Bilbao. Spain.

**Signup link**


09:30 | Welcome

| **Eriz Sainz**

Director of BAT BAT – The Home for Entrepreneurship & Innovation

09:30 - 10:00 | State of the art and trends in construction digitalisation.

| **Javier Garmendia**

CEO of odei.io Conclusions: Report on Construction Digitalisation in Spain 2022.
**Jon Ansoleaga**
Director of Eraikune Eraikune — As a support agent for innovation and competitiveness.
**Iñaki Urresti Laka**
General Manager of ASCOBI DigiConBiz Project - Current status of the digitalisation of construction in Bizkaia.
Jorge Berezo
Head of the Innovation Service of the Provincial Government of Bizkaia Digital and Green Transition Program.

10:00 - 11:00 | Digitalisation of construction at an international level.

| **Rikard Espling** Ex-CTO of Skanka Installation and CEO of KRESP Project Management.

**Javier Garmendia**

CEO odei.io Masterclass: 8 years with the Swedish Smart Built Environment program. Strategic innovation for the future of construction. Insights into cooperation and digitalisation in the era of increasing Cyberthreats.

11:00 - 11:45 | Success stories in the digitalisation of construction in the Basque Country.